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Saturday, January 5, 2008

20 years, woman pulls list of more than 700 deaths suffered noncombat

A drunken night in Iraq, is a soldier behind
20 years, woman pulls list of more than 700 deaths suffered noncombat
The sun was not yet at Taji. A young soldier was the only one in the dirt. She was alive, but only slightly. Your ribs were crushed and their spleen, broken. Your right-hand page was marked by the tread pattern edged a tire.

Pfc. Gunterman Hannah McKinney was 20 years old, brown eyes of his mother, a child son, were reviewed, as it appears in the light the passage of a Humvee on a perimeter of the streets in one of the most important for States United in the military camp in Iraq.

Thirteen hours later, in Redlands, California, and Matt Heavrin Barbie, had three children, the military learned that she had lost her oldest daughter "were injured as a vehicle", the army like the first time.
But there was even more on the story. For Heavrins, the events of September 4, 2006, the leadership of Camp Taji is bit by bit. McKinney's last hour, they learn with alcohol, sex and decorated a reservist, who was responsible for the look of the junior soldiers as her daughter.

His case lies in a litany of noncombat deaths in Iraq, more than 700, falls, suicides, illnesses and accidents show that the truths sometimes chaotic life in a war zone.

The cases are possible, especially for parents, the sudden loss of a child and the struggle to understand why. In McKinney's Fall, many details in the pages 1460 and a log file of the court martial arts, reinforced by the "Washington Post", the "Freedom of Information Act.

Well, the parents want their story told completely. They may not themselves be compatible with the idea that that terrible day in Taji, his daughter remained.

In the first days after the death of McKinney, Heavrins say they were prepared by staff of the Army says that her daughter "may have been, when they pass through the road crossing in the dark, while , in a custody From near a latrine.

There is no mention of this scenario in the case. But this is what they believed Heavrins above their heads their money in the coffin from the church in the family, red roses and notes, next to her daughter dunkelhaarigen.

Barbie has Heavrin McKinney's son, Todd, had not yet 2, his coffin to adopt the auction.

"Mom sleep? Called the young man, tätschelnd front.

The Heavrins described his daughter as attractive and deliberate, with the singing talents and a good sense of humour sanded ziemend childhood Nickname: Happy Hannah. They constantly read books - loved "Gone with the Wind" - and wanted a career in marketing.

"She was young, spontaneous, very sparkling, laughing nervously, laughing," said Spec. Annette Mack, his roommate at Taji. Another close friend, Spec. Nicole Cabral, said his son McKinney's teddy bear in the war, in which she slept the night.

The death was all the more bitter because McKinney was on his last performance of the civil war there shortly after his return, the soldier, it was a small Thursday Shortly before the ceremony deployment. McKinney, and Christopher, then 21, a beautiful marriage project at Christmas, Heavrins church.

"We had a burial in the church," said the mother.

Hannah McKinney had recruited in the army reserve in 2003 and was pregnant with Todd in 2004. In connection with their father Todd fell apart, she drew back to California. But in the year 2005, in the hope of good pay and benefits to support her son, she decided to become actively obligation to ensure that his family, a single mother is not delivered at the war. It was while they were romantic with Christopher McKinney.

Just months army training, Hannah McKinney has been set up to Taji, north of Baghdad, the 542nd Maintenance Company, 44 Corps Support Battalion. She was soon drawn travels with a machine gun and another soldier guard along the perimeter of the camp.

Not far away, a warm September night, three sergeants gathered to celebrate the end of their touring to come, according to their reports in the files. Among them was Damon D. Shell, then 25, a High School Quarterback-time for his second round. After his MySpace page, Ohio's interests as sports teams, women, beer and karaoke games drunk.

Although alcohol was forbidden in the fight against the zone, one of the sergeants, he had managed to buy vodka, and they drank a cocktail party, a night in the barracks, according to testimony. Later, drunk, accumulated in a Humvee sergeants of the auction to allow women a tour of custody, according to testimony.

On the tour, Shell tent, the two women soldiers to kiss her, but she refuses, in his own words. It was 3 am, when the group could no longer be McKinney's watch. Shell has it, and it occurred in the Humvee.
A crime is not an accident

The information provided in this night began deploying to McKinney's funeral when she told investigators Barbie Heavrin asked for "full details". You will know that there is not unhappy trip to a latrine. McKinney's death was a criminal.

According to reports from environment during interviews and examinations Poly graphic, McKinney received "drunk after only a drink of vodka and orange juice in the barracks. While other soldiers skidded in her bed, and McKinney had a sexual encounter, he said.

Heavrin crawled to hear, as the details. McKinney had violated military orders, she knew, using their posts and drink. For McKinney's mother, sex is not suitable with her daughter in the foreground, their marriage. She thought about McKinney's low tolerance for alcohol. Your .20 autopsy showed a blood-alcohol.

Shell said he tried to investigators, the return to their custody McKinney, but she was in any form "enter. It was 5:15 pm at the request does towermate Shell, Pfc. Rachelle Anderson , the coverage of her, if the next layer happened.

"I told him that I would be not to participate at all," Anderson said in a statement.

Shell left, the tower at 5:35 am McKinney 10000 pounds Humvee, continued downward in a cul-de-sac, then a U-Turn, after acknowledging his error. On this journey, he pointed out McKinney's door open and close, he said.

Back on the main road, he moved into a gap in a convoy near. In the seat beside him, he saw McKinney hunched forward. As he continued south, he heard the back door open and felt a familiar belly, where dirt and gravel, cement, "he says.

Unexpected, there was a second bump, he said, "as I ran about something."

He saw. The door was open, and McKinney had disappeared. He tried to note if it had come, but he said: "I knew it was a possibility that I might run."

He did not pause to consider, he said in a statement. "I thought I met him," he said, "but at the time I did not know what I was thinking of this kind of thing."

Shell led to the barracks and went to bed as McKinney was in the street, their clothing and zerzauste a boat missing.

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